
The Bureau of Statistics in Dodoland has cautiously prepared this document for the learned and educated Heroes of Dodoland! It is definitely not for the faint-hearted! Prepare for your minds to be blown our dearest Heroes 🤯

Weapon Effectiveness

Each Weapon in Dodoland will have one of these elements attached: Fire, Earth, Air & Water. With this, each boss in Dodoland will also have a specific weakness to one of these elements. For example, Pyropeck, our fire-breathing draco-chicken has an obvious weakness to "Water".

If your Zendodo has equipped a weapon of the boss' weakness, your (1) Damage from Zendodo and (2) Damage from Weapon will increase by 30%

Damage Calculation

With every attack, the damage dealt to the boss will depend on the follow metrics:

  1. Power of your Zendodo (ZEN)

  2. Power of your Weapon (WPN)

  3. Effectiveness of your Weapon (WEAK)

  4. Dice Roll (DICE)

  5. Energy Points Expended (ENRG)

  6. Single/Full-Force Attack

Single Attack

Damage Dealt = (ZEN + WPN) * (1 + WEAK + DICE + 10%)

The 10% here is the result of utilising a single attack on the boss, encouraging active gameplay + "reimbursement" for the heavy NET and CPU usage.

Full-Force Attack

Damage Dealt = (ZEN + WPN) * (1 + WEAK + DICE) * (ENRG)

Dice Odds

With every attack, 3 dices will be rolled providing heroes with a damage boost ranging from 0% to 50%.

Odds of each Dice Roll:

50.00% -> 0% Boost

25.00% -> 3% Boost

15.00% -> 5% Boost

6.00% -> 10% Boost

3.00% -> 25% Boost

1.00% -> 50% Boost

With this, the average boost from your dice rolls should add up to 10.05%.

ZENDI Rewards from Mission

The ZENDI bounty rewarded to Heroes will depend on the following metrics:

  1. Required Damage on Boss (REQ DMG)

  2. Reward Tier Reached (TIER)

  3. Base Rewards (BASE)

  4. Number of Zendodos in the Craft (ZEN)

  5. Individual Damage Dealt (IDV DMG)

  6. Total Damage Dealt (TOT DMG)

  7. Captain's Commission (CAP)

  8. King's Commission (KING)

Personal Mission Earnings from Craft

  1. Mission Failed ZENDI = BASE * CAP * 0.5 * (TOT DMG / REQ DMG)

  2. Reward Tier Reached ZENDI = TIER * CAP

Personal Mission Earnings from Zendodo

  1. Mission Failed ZENDI = [BASE * (1 - CAP)] * (0.5 / ZEN) * (0.5 * IDV DMG / TOT DMG) * [0.5 * (TOT DMG / REQ DMG)]

  2. Reward Tier Reached ZENDI = [TIER * (1 - CAP)] * (0.5 / ZEN) * (0.5 * IDV DMG / TOT DMG)

King & Knight's Earnings from Craft

  1. Mission Failed - King's Earnings ZENDI = (1 - KING) * CAP * BASE * 0.5 * (TOT DMG / REQ DMG)

  2. Mission Failed - Knight's Earnings ZENDI = KING * CAP * BASE * 0.5 * (TOT DMG / REQ DMG)

  3. Reward Tier Reached - King's Earnings ZENDI = (1 - KING) * CAP * TIER

  4. Reward Tier Reached - Knight's Earnings ZENDI = KING * CAP * TIER

King & Knight's Earnings from Zendodos

  1. Mission Failed - King's Earnings ZENDI = (1 - KING) * [BASE * (1 - CAP)] * (0.5 / ZEN) * (0.5 * IDV DMG / TOT DMG) * [0.5 * (TOT DMG / REQ DMG)]

  2. Mission Failed - Knight's Earnings ZENDI = KING * [BASE * (1 - CAP)] * (0.5 / ZEN) * (0.5 * IDV DMG / TOT DMG) * [0.5 * (TOT DMG / REQ DMG)]

  3. Reward Tier Reached - King's Earnings ZENDI = (1 - KING) * [TIER * (1 - CAP)] * (0.5 / ZEN) * (0.5 * IDV DMG / TOT DMG)

  4. Reward Tier Reached - Knight's Earnings ZENDI = KING * [TIER * (1 - CAP)] * (0.5 / ZEN) * (0.5 * IDV DMG / TOT DMG)

Blessed are the souls who comprehend this page 🙏 TL;DR - Zendodo Party is a play-to-earn NFT-fi project 🤣

ZBP Rewards from Mission

Zen Battle Points are only rewarded to active Heroes. As Knights, all your ZBP earned will be given to your King. The ZBP distributed are based on the following metrics and rounded up to the next integer:

  1. Success of the Mission

  2. Reward Tier Reached (TIER)

  3. Individual Energy Expended (IDV ENRG)

  4. Total Energy Expended (TOT ENRG)

  5. Individual Damage Expended (IDV DMG)

  6. Total Energy Expended (TOT DMG)

Mission Failed

No ZBP will be distributed.

Mission Succeeded

Personal & King's Earnings

ZBP = TIER * (0.5 * IDV ENRG / TOT ENRG) * (0.5 * IDV DMG / TOT DMG)

Zen Battle Points cannot be transferred from one account to another!

NFT (Weapons) Drop from Missions

With every successful mission, Heroes will have a rare chance of obtaining NFTs (Weapons). The odds of weapons dropping are based on the following factors:

  1. Difficulty of Mission

  2. Duration of Mission

  3. Rarity of the potential NFT Drop

  4. Individual Damage Dealt

  5. Total Damage Dealt

  6. Tier of Rewards Received

  7. Past 24 Hours & Lifetime NFT Score (24H_SCORE/LT_SCORE)

  8. Daily & Lifetime Recommended NFT Score (DAY_REC/LT_REC) (These metrics are used to control the emission of NFTs dropped from Missions)

Starting off, each boss in Dodoland is given a weightage based on the difficulty, duration of the mission and rarity of the potential NFT to be dropped; for example:

  • Pyropeck - Weightage: 1.0

  • Miniator-3000 - Weightage: 7.5

  • Alastor - Weightage: 28.0

At the launch of Missions Crafts, these 3 bosses are considered the lowest level bosses and hence, will only drop "Normal" rarity weapons. Future bosses will drop higher rarity weapons!

From there, this weightage is multiplied by a weight percentage (W%), set by an auto-balancer on a daily basis, resulting in the odds (ODD) of an NFT dropping from the mission

Odds of NFT Dropping from Bosses

1 NFT dropped = TIER * ODD

2 NFTs dropped = TIER * [ODD * (0.5^1 * ODD)]

3 NFTs dropped = TIER * [ODD * (0.5^1 * ODD) * (0.5^2 * ODD)]

X NFTs dropped = TIER * {ODD * (0.5^1 * ODD) * ... * [0.5^(X-1) * ODD]}

The X number of NFTs dropped is the total NFTs craft members will receive collectively. Hence, even if the boss drops an NFT, not all Heroes on board will receive it. The following calculation will be used to determine who gets the NFT.

Odds of You receiving the NFTs


If the boss drops more than 1 NFTs, individual Heroes are able to receive more NFTs based on the above calculations. Hence, even after the last tier of rewards is attained, it is encouraged to continue dealing damage to the bosses, increasing your individual odds of you getting the dropped NFT.

Daily Auto-Balancer

This Auto-Balancer will run every 24 hours at 4PM UTC to compute the weight percentage (W%). This feature is implemented to ensure a healthy flow of NFTs, without over-supplying Heroes will weapons, which is detrimental to it value.

W%(NEW) = W%(OLD) * {[1 + (DAY_REC - 24H_SCORE)/DAY_REC]} + 1.5 * [1 + (LT_REC - LT_SCORE) / DAY_REC]}

TL;DR: Team Zendodo is always committed to protect the value of your NFTs and hence this need to implement an Auto-Balancer to control the supply of NFTs.

Last updated